당신이 당신의 조직이나 프로젝트를 느낄 수 있나요 재정 지원의 비트와 함께 할 수있는? 그것은 당신의 시회 구에 사는 사람들을 도움이됩니다? Is it good value for money and costing less than £1,000? The the Councillor Ward Grant Scheme could be just right for you. 의원은 각각 £ 1000 응용 프로그램을 지원하기 위해 할당까지해야. Projects supported have included funds towards a Community Picnic to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday, money towards new equipment for the Dover Youth Theatre, and support for the Triangles Community Centre. The forms are easy and quick to complete. Contact your Ward Councillor for help.
Councillor Ward Grants Available