Konsey üyesi Ronnie Philpott

Dover Belediye Meclisindeki herkes, hastalığa karşı cesur bir mücadelenin ardından Meclis Üyesi Ronnie Philpott'un öldüğünü duyunca üzüldü.

Ronnie Konsey'e seçildi 2006, ve Belediye Başkanı olarak görev yaptı 2011-12 ve 2013-14. O da Belediye Başkan Yardımcısıydı 2012-13 ve ayrıca Belediye Başkanı olarak görev yaptı. In addition to her civic role Ronnie was for several years also Chairman of the Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council.

Konsey üyesi Neil Rix, Mayor of Dover said,

“Words cannot express how sad and sorry we are to say goodbye to Ronnie. Ronnie was born here in Dover and lived nearly her whole life in the house and the community where she was born. She brought all her deep knowledge and love of the Town, and especially of her Tower Hamlets ward, to her work as a Councillor, always looking for the best outcomes for everyone. As Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a Senior Councillor she was both admired and respected for her hard work and her firm and fair leadership which reached across political divides.

We will remember Ronnie for her huge zest for life, her generosity especially for those facing hard times, her enthusiasm for her Council work and her genuine warmth towards everyone she met. Her engagements as Mayor always had to be planned with extra time (and then some!) because so many people wanted to talk with her and discuss projects and plans for the Town. Ronnie had a particular concern for the young people of Dover which led to her becoming a governor and mentor to local schools. As Mayor she greatly enjoyed hosting groups of schoolchildren and members of the Girl Guide movement to help them find out more about the Mayoralty and the work of the Town Council.

Our thoughts are especially with her husband Chris and her son Shaun at this very sad time.”