Council funds Dover smART Project to help the homeless

Art and creativity can build skills and increase confidence and well-being and become the gateway to future employment. This is especially important for those without a home.

Local Charities Dover smART project and Porchlight have teamed up to run “Bridge the Gap – the Next Steps” two week long courses to enable people who are homeless to be successful in their future lives. Those taking part will be encouraged to write personal biographies of their lives so far in a variety of ways including art, photography and writing. Both weeks will end with an exhibition of their work.

The Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council received a presentation from Dover smART at their recent meeting and voted to back the project with a £1,000 grant.

ਕੌਂਸਲਰ ਪਾਮ ਬ੍ਰਿਵੀਓ, ਕਮੇਟੀ ਦੀ ਚੇਅਰਪਰਸਨ ਡਾ

It is good to be able to support a local project that helps young homeless people to bridge the gap between unemployment and work in a compassionate and caring manner