Comitetul Boost Finantarea pentru Dover Urban Fête și Festivalul de Film de Dover

Dover Urban Fete will be able to increase activities for young people thanks to a £1000 funding boost from the Town Council’s Civic and Special projects Committee. Attendance at the Urban Fete is increasing year on year and it is now a firm favourite in the Town’s calendar. The Fete aims to provide awareness about all the activities and support services available in the Town. Local clubs, charities and other organisations are all able to have a stall. As well as giving advice and information stalls are encouraged to have an activity on offer so that everyone can have some fun while finding out! The 2019 Dover Urban Fete will be held in Pencester Gardens on 21st Septembrie.

The Committee also agreed to fund £1,299 towards a new camera for the Dover Film Festival Society. Made each year for over 60 an, the Dover Film records all the important events in the life of the Town. It is a unique and fascinating record of local history filmed entirely by dedicated volunteers. Every year during Film Festival Week the most recent film is shown at the Silver Screen Cinema alongside the film from 40 cu ani în urmă.

consilier Pam Brivio, Chairperson of the Committee said

We are so pleased to be able to support these two very worthwhile projects, the film as it is a living historical record of what goes on each year and the urban Fete as it is gives an opportunity to showcase lots of local groups and organisations alongside a programme of fun and activities for everyone to enjoy.


Our picture shows the volunteers at the 2018 Urban Fete together with Mayor Councillor Sue Jones