Cinque Port Speaker’s DayDover Town Centre Saturday 1st October



The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports Councillor Neil Rix will host Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Boyce, Lordul Warden Porturilor Cinque, representatives from all other towns of the Cinque Ports Confederation and distinguished guests at the Annual Speaker’s Day Event in Dover on Saturday 1 Octombrie.

Speaker’s Day is a community celebration of Dover’s proud maritime history as the Gateway to England, a remembrance of those men and women whose hard work and skills contributed to Dover’s place in the national story and affirmation of the People of Dover’s determination and commitment to continuing to be at the forefront our seafaring future.

King Henry III granted the Confederation of the Cinque Ports its first known Charter in 1260 bringing together the key coastal Towns in south-east England in a defensive alliance. The Confederation maintains the links to the historic heritage and works to promote the value of naval and seafaring skills in the community today. The Speaker of the Cinque Ports acts as Chairman and principal representative of the Confederation in a role that goes back continuously over 600 years until at least 1357. The Mayor of Dover holds the Office of Speaker every seven years in rotation with the six other principal members of the Confederation.

Everyone is welcome:

11.00 Procession from Dover Town Council, Maison Dieu House to St Mary’s Church. The Admiralty Sergeant bearing the silver Ceremonial Oar of the Confederation will lead the Lord Warden, the Speaker, Dover Town Honorary Freemen and Councillors, Confederation Mayors and Officers, and Distinguished Guests to St Mary’s Church. The Band of the Brigade of Ghurkha’s will accompany the procession and the recently returned Dover Burghmote Horn will be blown in the Town for the first time since 1969 marking a return to the role it has filled in the Civic life of the Town since at least 1588.


11.15 St Mary’s ChurchService of Worship and Thanksgiving led by the Right Reverend Trevor Willmott, Bishop of Dover and the Honorary Chaplain to the Mayor the Reverend Dr John Walker.

12.00 Procession returns to Maison Dieu House

12.45 Primăria Dover – Performances by Dover Tales and the P&O Choir (free to all).


Dover Tudor Festival

The early glory days of our maritime history will also be celebrated throughout the day in the Dover Tudor Festival with performances and events in the Market Square, Dover High Street, the Roman Lawn and Pencester Gardens. Highlights include Sword Fighting Displays, Falconry Flying, Puppet Shows, Minstrel Bands, Have-a-Go Archery, Juggling Jesters and much more.

Full information is available in the Festival Programme available from Dover Town Council, throughout the Town and on the Dover Town Council website