A Fehér Szalag kampány célja a nők elleni erőszak felszámolása. A statisztikák azt mutatják 20% nők közül tapasztalt már szexuális zaklatást és 2 nőket hetente öl meg jelenlegi vagy volt partnere. 6 kívül 7 a családon belüli erőszak áldozatai nők. A kampány bevonja a férfiakat és a nőket azáltal, hogy felkéri őket a…

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At 11:00 on megemlékezés vasárnap Dover férfiak, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. A felvonulás a szabványok, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of

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Members of our local Royal British Legion (White Cliffs) Branch braved the rain today to lay out the Garden of Remembrance at the People of Dover’s War Memorial. The black British Legion official crosses are placed in memory of all those regiments connected with Dover during the two World Wars. Coordinator and former Reservist Peter Hall

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Sorok alakultak ki a megnyitón 2019 Nagy sorsolás ma a Biggin Hallban, ahol minden korosztály részt vesz a kisgyermekektől a tinédzserekig és az idősekig, akik elfoglalják a közös képek készítését. A Big Draw egy országos rajzfesztivál, amelyet minden évben megrendeznek, és népszerűsítik a rajzolást, mint kulcskészséget, amely nem csak…

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Art and creativity can build skills and increase confidence and well-being and become the gateway to future employment. This is especially important for those without a home. Local Charities Dover smART project and Porchlight have teamed up to run “Bridge the Gap – the Next Steps” two week long courses to enable people who are

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Good idea? Need a little bit of funding? – The Councillor Ward Grant Scheme Do you feel your organisation or project could do with a bit of financial support? Will it benefit people living in your Town Council Ward? Is it good value for money? Is the funding you need less than £1,000? The Councillor

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Dover’s Market Square in the heart of the Old Town is set to benefit from £2.44m of funding from the Government’s Coastal Communities Fund. The historic Square will be transformed into a first-rate public space for local people and visitors to enjoy. The ambitious plans – now agreed – include: A centrepiece new splash water

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The Christmas and Winter festivities are already underway at the Town Council with plans for an afternoon of great attractions for the whole family to enjoy in Dover on Saturday 30th November . Delicious locally sourced food and drink will be available in the Market Square from lunchtime to 5pm together with stalls and shops

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