Dover Городской совет устанавливаются для достижения статуса White Ribbon после доклада советника Криса Precious и голосования городского совета Полного. Белая лента Великобритания работает с мужчинами и мальчиками, чтобы бросить вызов тех мужчин культур, которые приводят к притеснениям, жестокое обращение и насилие. Volunteer ambassadors work to call out behaviour among other men


Councillors overwhelmingly supported Councillor Miriam Wood’s proposal that the Town Council adopt the Anti-Slavery Charter to express opposition to the practice of modern slavery. Dover Town Council is now formally committed to using its powers and resources to empower those vulnerable to slavery, to advance emancipation and to promote access to decent work. Councillor Wood


Christmas cheer was spread throughout Dover during the weekend (Декабрь 1 а 2) with the annual Christmas celebration featuring special Chinese Dragon and Lion Dancing entertainment and the switch on of the Christmas Tree and festive lights by Mayor of Dover Cllr Sue Jones supported by special guest Kung Fu Panda! More than 700 people


Воскресная служба памяти и парад в Дуврском военном мемориале в воскресенье 11 Ноября 2018     В 11-00 в воскресенье 11 Ноября, 100 лет с момента подписания перемирия в 1918, больше мужчин, women and children than ever gathered at the People of Dover’s war memorial to honour the memory of all the service men


DOVER TOWN COUNCIL Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade Dover War Memorial Sunday 11 Ноября 2018   В 11-00 в воскресенье 11 Ноября 2018, 100 лет с момента подписания перемирия в 1918, Dover будет помнить все военнослужащие и женщин, которые отдали свои жизни на службе своей страны. In this


Over £250 for the Alzheimer’s Society was raised by teams at the Mayor’s Halloween Charity Quiz. The Council Chamber was full to capacity in a keenly fought contest that kept Quizmaster Brian Constable on his toes. Congratulations to the winning team “All the Kings Men” and to Brian and his team for working so hard


В 2018 Big Draw was a huge success with all ages getting together at different places across Dover to have fun drawing together. Councillor Sue Jones and Councillor Chris Precious supported this year’s free event from their Councillor Ward Grant Budgets. Chris saidThe Big Draw is a fabulous event which allows everyone in
