Tuesday 4th April saw the Easter Special Bluebird Market organised by the Dover Town Team and supported by Dover Town Council and Destination Dover. The market hosted a range of Easter activities and workshops, including free face painting within the high street, art and crafts within Dickens Corner Cafe, attraction rides on Market Square….

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Peste 2000 de lire sterline au fost înmânate oficial organizației caritabile Meningitis Now de către primar, Consilier Neil Rix. Meningita Now finanțează cercetarea bolii și sprijină familiile bolnavilor. Ben Williams a primit cecul în numele Caritate în memoria fiului său Harry. Pe parcursul anului au fost o serie de fântâni…

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Do you have views on the future of the most significant public building in Dover the Maison Dieu? A working group, including Dover Town Council, Dover Consiliului Town, and the Dover Society and Dover District Council, is preparing a major bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to secure the future of our Town Hall at

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Local people and civic dignitaries from across the District gathered to raise a special flag for Armed Forces Day at the Town Council offices. Armed Forces Day is a chance to show our support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces Community – currently serving troops, service families, veterans and cadets

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