£2000 Town Council Grant to fund new bathroom at Dover Emmaus

A £2,000 Town Council grant will pay for refurbished facilities at Dover Emmaus based in the historic Archcliffe Fort. Радник Pam Brivio, Chairperson of the Civic and Special Projects Committee visited the community to present the cheque. Pam said

Dover Town council are pleased to support Emmaus, which is such a valuable asset to our community, in the very effective and worthwhile work they carry out.

Ms Debra Stevenson, the Community Manager accepted the grant and said

Thank you on behalf of the Emmaus Community for your kind donation which will revamp our main bathroom in the community house.

Emmaus Dover provides a home and meaningful work for up to 26 men and women who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion. They offer a warm and caring home for as long as it is needed and help residents to regain self-esteem and find a positive way to move forward with their lives. The refurbishment of the bathrooms is part of an ongoing project to improve the facilities for residents as bright, clean and well-maintained rooms send a huge message that they are respected and valued.

Emmaus Dover has further ambitious plans over the next 2-3 years including building a new workshop, сучасний торговий об'єкт, and resurfacing the car park and access roads. В додаток, Еммаус буде працювати з англійським спадщиною, щоб відновити оригінальну арку і сторожку і встановити цілий ряд об'єктів, щоб відвідувачі могли дізнатися про багату історію та спадщину Форту, який грав ключову роль в обороні міст протягом багатьох століть.

Our picture shows Debra Stevenson (left) and Cllr Pam Brivio (right) together with residents at Emmaus Dover.