Королева Елизавета II ~ Пикник в честь платинового юбилея имел оглушительный успех !!!

Queen Elizabeth ll ~ Platinum Jubilee picnic a resounding success !!!

от Городской совет - 08/06/2022

В прошлое воскресенье атмосфера была, конечно, захватывающей. 05/06/2022 когда семьи Довориан собрались на пикник на Пенсестер-сквер, чтобы отпраздновать платиновый юбилей королевы. На этом суперпраздничном мероприятии, организованном городским советом Дувра и Destination Dover, звучала живая музыка., a host of fun, family activities and a thrilling Victoria Sponge cake competition!

We are grateful for all those who came to enjoy the event and also want to acknowledge all those who participated for their support in helping to make this such a memorable day including; Загородное партнерство White Cliffs, the Women’s Institute, Click2Cycle, Dover Community Radio and the talented musicians who entertained the crowd throughout the day.

Jan Cook from the Women’s Institute was Dover’s honoured guest judge for the Victoria Sponge cake competition and White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was on hand to share a fascinating, educational experiencedippingin the River Dour.

of course the children had a good time ! (all photographs printed with permission)