귀하의 시의회는 지방의회 시상 제도의 일환으로 권위 있는 품질상을 받았습니다.. 이러한 성과는 시의회가 거버넌스 측면에서 모범적인 관행을 달성했음을 인정한 것입니다., 지역사회 참여 및 의회 개선. 게다가, 협의회는 법적 의무를 뛰어넘는다, leading their communities and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop even further.
The Local Council Award Scheme is assessed by independent experts and is designed to promote and recognise Councils that are at the cutting edge of the sector. It is through the sector working together to share best practice, drive up standards and supporting those who are committed to improving their offer to their communities that individual councils and the sector as a whole will reach its full potential.
도버 시장, Councillor Neil Rix is delighted, “The Quality Award recognises what the Town Council has achieved for the people of Dover and is a boost and encouragement for us going forward to do even more”
In terms of the future, the council is continuing to seek ways in which it can keep on improving its offer to the local community and welcomes input from local people and partners on this. Dover and other local councils like it, are at the front line of the government’s localism agenda and are doing as much as they can to deliver services whilst being efficient and cost-effective.