Dover Patrol의 영웅적이고 역사적인 Zeebrugge 공습 105주년 기념일(세인트 조지의 날) 1918 의 연례 행사에서 기념되었습니다. 23 사월. 캐서린 터커 목사가 세인트에서 예배를 집전했습니다.. James’ Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir Roger


영국 정부의 새로운 긴급 경보 시스템이 활성화되어 생명이 위험에 처했을 때 사람들에게 휴대폰으로 연락할 수 있습니다.. 긴급 상황 발생 시 경고하는 데 사용됩니다., 심각한 홍수와 같은. 위험 지역 내에서 호환되는 모든 휴대폰으로 긴급 경보가 전송됩니다.….


Thank you all packs have now been allocated (updated 24/04/2023) ARE YOU HAVING A STREET PARTY IN DOVER FOR THE CORONATION? We can provide you with FREE party packs to help you decorate** Claim Your Packs Now! **참고: Limited Supply Email us: Your POSTCODE and No. of ATTENDEES to

지브뤼헤 습격 (성. 조지의 날 1918) Dover Town Council will remember the 105th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 on Sunday 23rd April 2023. 에서 서비스를 시작으로 11.00 나는 세인트 제임스 묘지에 있어요, 기념 행사는 The Zeebrugge의 종소리로 마무리됩니다.…


  Dover Town Council are very happy to see the Exmoor Ponies return to High Meadow on 10 망치다 2023. Please be respectful to these beautiful creatures if you are out and about and happen to meet them on your adventures. If anyone sees people or dogs upsetting the ponies to report it to Kent


As part of the Fairtrade Fortnight DOVER FAIRTRADE TOWN NETWORK Invites you to FAIRTRADE RECEPTION WEDNESDAY 8th MARCH 2023 12pm Maison Dieu House, 의 Biggin 거리, 도버, CT16 1DW FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2023 (27th February – 12th March 2023) will once again shine a spotlight on the climate crisis and the increasing threat it poses to


A wonderful appearance of Santa and Sleigh in Dover last night, running alongside Kent Fire and Rescue Truck and Dover Town Council. We were happy to be able to help guide Santa’s sleigh around Dover. Jingles and music also filled the night as families could meet and greet Santa on his sleigh covered in twinkly
