В 11-00 в воскресенье 13 Ноября 2016, 98 лет с момента подписания перемирия в 1918, Dover remembered all the servicemen and women who gave their lives in the service of their country.   Парад стандартов, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House


Воскресная служба памяти и парад в Дуврском военном мемориале в воскресенье 13 Ноября 2016     В 11-00 в воскресенье 13 Ноября 2016, 98 лет с момента подписания перемирия в 1918, Dover будет помнить все военнослужащие и женщин, которые отдали свои жизни на службе своей страны. Парад стандартов,…


The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports Councillor Neil Rix welcomed Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Boyce, Лорд Уорден из портов Cinque, representatives from all other towns of the Cinque Ports Confederation and distinguished guests to the Annual Speaker’s Day Event in Dover on Saturday 1


  The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover and Speaker of the Cinque Ports Councillor Neil Rix will host Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Boyce, Лорд Уорден из портов Cinque, representatives from all other towns of the Cinque Ports Confederation and distinguished guests at the Annual Speaker’s Day Event in Dover on
