Fairtrade Dover Celebrates 10 년

Dover is celebrating 10 years of being a Fairtrade Town. Status was officially granted in 2009 after 4 years of hard work by the volunteer Fairtrade Network supported by the Town Council.

Fair trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. It aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

Buying bananas, sugar, tea or chocolate and many other items (including footballs!) with the Fairtrade mark is a simple way everyone can make a difference.

At their Annual Meeting on 8 May the group reported on a full year of work to raise awareness of Fairtrade issues including stalls at the Dover Regatta and the Big Local Urban Fete together with other Charity events. Visits were made to local schools to make sure that children are aware of Fairtrade issues across the world. During Fairtrade Fortnight in the spring the group shared information with shoppers at Morrisons which stocks a variety of Fairtrade products. In September 2018 그룹은 추가에 대한 공정 무역 상태의 갱신을 표시하는 거래 공정 무역 그룹과의 공동 행사 개최 2 년.

의장으로 회의를 다시 선출 미스터 데이비드 Hannent, 의원 팸 Brivio로 장관, Mr Brian Constable as Treasurer and welcomed Mrs Ann Jenner as Vice-Chairman. They then discussed plans for the future year. If you have ideas and are interested in joining the Network (which meets about 6 times a year) or you are thinking about helping at events please contact Pam Brivio on 07772 471905 or email her at pambrivio@ntlworld.com .

Pam said

We would welcome new members to join us in our work in continuing to promote Dover as a Fairtrade Town.

Our picture shows the Mayor, 수 존스 의원, together with Fairtrade network Secretary Councillor Pam Brivio and Vice-Chairman, Mrs Ann Jenner.