The fabulous floral crown has returned to Dover’s Market Square with a whole new lookreplanted in soft shades of royal purple to act as a beautiful focal point in the centre of the Town. Pear trees and planters filled with flowers along the High Street will bring vibrant summer colour throughout the season


Над 80 спортсмены и женщины, юниоры и сановники пересекли Ла-Манш через П.&О Ферри рано в субботу утром, on 10th June 2017, to take part in the 44th annual DoverCalais Festival of Sport. Города по очереди принимали фестиваль., которому столько же лет, сколько их побратимам, since 1973….


17 remarkable people and organisations came together to be celebrated and thanked for their contribution to the community life of our Town in the Annual People of Dover Awards Ceremony, that took place at the Town Council Offices, Wednesday 10th May 2017. Nominations were received in 6 categories and voted for by the public. Congratulations


The 99th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 был отмечен на ежегодной церемонии, посвященной 23 апрель 2017. Reverend John Walker conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir
