Prohlášení o přivítání pro uprchlíky

Prohlášení o přivítání pro uprchlíky

People in Dover are compassionate and caring. Téměř každý má zkušenost buď z první ruky, nebo prostřednictvím rodiny a přátel s výzvami života v pohraničním městě. Many who work in Dover have responsibility at the sharp end for the protection and freedom of citizens against those who wish harm to our national community but also for upholding British values of community and compassion to those in need.

The names on Dover’s war memorial and the graves of the war dead in Dover’s cemeteries testify to the determination of our community to protect our national freedoms and way of life even at terrible personal cost.

Dover is a front line community with a proud history of welcoming those seeking safety when in fear of their lives. v 1685 French Huguenot refugees landed at Dover fleeing persecution for their religious beliefs.
Dover was the first town to welcome Jewish children saved from Germany before the Holocaust of the Second World War. A child coming to Dover remembers;

“When I saw the famous cliffs of Dover, I got terribly excited. Inside me I had a feeling that a new era was about to start. I made up my mind there and then to start afresh”

We understand that threats to our freedoms and values can be physical and support our Border Force in their duties.

Dover people fought and died in the past to make sure that our community was a safe and caring and compassionate place to live and flourish.

Dover people today are committed to working to make sure we remain a safe and caring and compassionate community where a warm welcome is given to refugees and all are able to live full and happy lives.
Adopted by the Town Council at its meeting held on 21st October 2015