Reflect and Remember – 23rd March 2021

Ensimmäisen lukituksen alettua vuonna 2020, satoja tuhansia ihmisiä on kuollut. Liian monta ihmishenkiä on keskeytetty ja miljoonia on kuollut.

Tilastojen takana ja syystä riippumatta, jokainen kuolema on ollut tuhoisa jäljelle jääneille ihmisille.

Liity yhteen 23 Maaliskuu, ensimmäisen vuosipäivän ensimmäisestä Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan sulkemisesta, for a National Day of Reflection to reflect on our collective loss, tukea surmansa kärsineitä, ja toivon valoisammasta tulevaisuudesta.

Edessä on vielä vaikeita aikoja, as the death toll continues to rise. This annual day will give us all time to pause and think about the unprecedented loss we are facing, and support each other through grief in the years to come.

At 12 noon please join the nationwide minute’s silence to reflect and remember and later at 8pm come together to light up the night. Stand outside with a light – a candle, a torch, even your phoneto remember someone who’s died and show your support to people going through a bereavement. Alternatively, you can shine a light in your window for everyone to see.

You can also reach out to someone you know who is going through bereavement or pain by finding the time to call them for a chat, sending flowers or writing a card – letting them know that they and their loved one are not forgotten.

The National Day of Reflection is organised by the Marie Curie Charity and more details can be found on their website