
5 years at Finest Dour Partnership Project

Our Finest Dour is a project which aims to raise awareness of the River Dour in Dover. The Dour contains rare chalk stream habitat and is home to many exciting species such as brown trout, kingfisher and grey wagtail. The three-year project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Through establishing sustainable initiatives, the project aims to ensure public engagement with the river continues after this date. So far, the project has set up riverfly monitoring on the Dour, provided training for volunteers, funded river cleans, delivered free

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Kopienas tualetes shēma

Mēs zinām, ka cilvēkiem ir vajadzīgas tualetes, kad viņi ir ārpus mājas, so we try to find cost-effective ways to increase the number of safe, clean loo shops. DTC set up a community toilet scheme in 2011 to solve the problems of unattended toilets: crime, vandalism, drug use, and antisocial activities. Public toilets cost over

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Snargate ielas attīstība

Šobrīd notiek Snargate ielas attīstība, ar mērķi padarīt teritoriju pievilcīgāku un aicinot cilvēkus apmeklēt gan no pilsētas, gan ostas. Lai sasniegtu šo mērķi, Pagājušajā gadā notika divas sabiedriskās apspriešanas, lai apkopotu atsauksmes un ieteikumus no sabiedrības. Based on the

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Jaunas telpas un sabiedrisko ērtību atjaunošana East Docks

The Eastern docks publicly accessible toilets will be reopened from the Friday alongside the new shop – Rebels Coffee – launching on Friday 7th April 2023. Based on your feedback received during our latest health and leisure consultation, we have been making continuous efforts to ensure that Dover seafront services and public toilets are accessible

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Mūsu zemesgabalu nākotnes nodrošināšana ar zemes ierīcības urbumu!

Kā daļu no ieguldījuma vides aizsardzībā, samazinot komunālo pakalpojumu rēķinus & increasing sustainable ways of working, Dover Town Council has undertaken some work to look at alternatives to providing access to mains water for its allotment tenants. Clearly, the requirement to collect and maximise use of rainwater on individual plots is expected from

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Doveras pilsētas dome ir oglekļa neitrāla

We believe in taking action against climate change Dover Town Council have always been committed in reducing its carbon foot print and becoming carbon neutral. uz 2019 mēs to panācām. Lai aizsargātu un uzlabotu Doveras dabisko vidi, we must think differently about how we do things to reduce the extent of climate change

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Apkaimi plāns Dover

Neighborhood plānošana dod kopienām iespēju izvirzīties vadībā, kas ražo daļu attīstības plānu savā teritorijā - Kaimiņattiecību plāns ir juridisks dokuments, un tas ir jāizmanto, lemjot par plānošanas pieteikumiem. Noteikumi ap plānošanā un attīstībā ir mainījušies. There is increased pressure to develop more housing across the

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Dover pilsētas dome - Darba kļūt demence Friendly organizācija

The Town Council has achieved recognition of its support for those living with Dementia and their carers by being awarded membership of the Dementia Friendly Network and the right to use the official “Working to become a Dementia Friendly Organisation” symbol. Conferences, training events and awareness raising sessions over past years have demonstrated the Council’s

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