Paziņojums par vēlēšanām Doverā (St. Radigunds Ward): 19-2024. gada septembris – Doveras pilsētas padomes paziņojums par vēlēšanām
A poll for the election of a Town Councillor for Dover (Svētā Radigunda palāta) notiks ceturtdien 19 Septembris 2024, starp plkst 7:00 esmu un 10:00 pm.
Ievēlamo pilsētas domes deputātu skaits ir viens.
Dover District Council have announced the Statement of Persons Nominated for the Dover (St. Radigunds Ward) for the election of a Town Councillor
The results of poll has been announced on the Dover District council website link to the Results of Polls is here
Update 04/10/24: The Elected candidate is Cllr Rebekah (Bekah) Dawes for St. Radigunds Ward, Dover. Cllr Dawes was elected on Thursday 19 Septembris 2024.
If you have any questions regarding elections please contact the elections officer at DDC via
Tel: 01304 872344