Új defibrillátor Bucklandben

A városi tanács először finanszírozott egy olyan berendezést, amelyet nagyon remélnek, hogy soha nem kell majd használni. The Civic and Special Projects Committee have given £750 to the 15th Dover scout Group to purchase a defibrillator. A defibrillátorok megmentik a szívrohamban szenvedők életét. The new Defibrillator will be placed outside the Scout Hut in Sheridan Road, Dover and will be available for anyone to use in an emergency in addition to the 200 people who use the Hall on a weekly basis. An actual medical emergency alerted the Scout Group to the benefits of having a defibrillator available and the Committee was very pleased to be able to help.

The Town Council is committed to working to improve the health and well being of everyone in Dover. If you have any ideas or would like to get involved why not contact Tracey Hubbard at the Town Council offices?