A fitter and better 2020 – Get out and about in Dover with our White Cliffs Countryside Partnership!

White Cliffs Lauku partnerība tika izveidota, lai saglabātu un uzlabotu īpašo piekrasti un valsts

The coast and countryside of Dover is world class for wildlife and history. The White Cliffs are world famous and for centuries have been the gateway to and from England.

The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was established in 1989 attīstīt ilgtspējīgu tūrismu, kas palīdz saglabāt vidi un vietējo atšķirtspēju zonas, gan vietējiem iedzīvotājiem un viesiem.

For many years WCCP has managed the Town Council’s public access land at High Meadow for everyone to enjoy. There are plenty of activities and events locally in Dover for all ages.

Want to find out more and get involved? Pick up a copy of the WCCP programme and choose from talks and workshops at Samphire Hoe, practical conservation work at the Western Heights and Whinless Down, and guided walks through the countryside and natural environment in and around the Town.

During half term (Sestdiena 15 February to Sunday 23 februāris) there is a fabulous special “Green Gang” programme of activities for children and families.

Hard copies of the programmes and full details are available at local libraries, Visitor Information Centres and the Dover Town Council offices or log onto the WCCP website at www.whitecliffscountryside.org.uk

Our picture shows the wonderful view of Dover from High Meadow